1,639 research outputs found

    The probability of a given 1-choice structure

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    A 1-choice structure arises whenever each person in a group chooses exactly one other person according to some criterion. Our purpose is to study the situation in which these choices are made at random. As noted in Harary, Norman and Cartwright [2], such a structure can be represented by a directed graph in which the points represent people and the directed lines their choices. We first describe the shape of such a 1-choice structure, and define its symmetry number. With the help of these properties we are then able to develop and prove a formula which gives a probability of obtaining a given structure in the random choice situation. In order to supply data for these results, we include in the Appendix the diagrams of all 1-choice structures with at most 7 points and the probability of each.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45723/1/11336_2005_Article_BF02289514.pd

    Local Restrictions for Various Classes of Directed Graphs

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135364/1/jlms0087.pd

    The number of ways to label a structure

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    It has been observed that the number of different ways in which a graph with p points can be labelled is p ! divided by the number of symmetries, and that this holds regardless of the species of structure at hand. In this note, a simple group-theoretic proof is provided.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45724/1/11336_2005_Article_BF02289423.pd

    Organization of complex networks without multiple connections

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    We find a new structural feature of equilibrium complex random networks without multiple and self-connections. We show that if the number of connections is sufficiently high, these networks contain a core of highly interconnected vertices. The number of vertices in this core varies in the range between constN1/2const N^{1/2} and constN2/3const N^{2/3}, where NN is the number of vertices in a network. At the birth point of the core, we obtain the size-dependent cut-off of the distribution of the number of connections and find that its position differs from earlier estimates.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Inclusive One Jet Production With Multiple Interactions in the Regge Limit of pQCD

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    DIS on a two nucleon system in the regge limit is considered. In this framework a review is given of a pQCD approach for the computation of the corrections to the inclusive one jet production cross section at finite number of colors and discuss the general results.Comment: 4 pages, latex, aicproc format, Contribution to the proceedings of "Diffraction 2008", 9-14 Sep. 2008, La Londe-les-Maures, Franc

    Localization properties of a tight-binding electronic model on the Apollonian network

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    An investigation on the properties of electronic states of a tight-binding Hamiltonian on the Apollonian network is presented. This structure, which is defined based on the Apollonian packing problem, has been explored both as a complex network, and as a substrate, on the top of which physical models can defined. The Schrodinger equation of the model, which includes only nearest neighbor interactions, is written in a matrix formulation. In the uniform case, the resulting Hamiltonian is proportional to the adjacency matrix of the Apollonian network. The characterization of the electronic eigenstates is based on the properties of the spectrum, which is characterized by a very large degeneracy. The 2π/32\pi /3 rotation symmetry of the network and large number of equivalent sites are reflected in all eigenstates, which are classified according to their parity. Extended and localized states are identified by evaluating the participation rate. Results for other two non-uniform models on the Apollonian network are also presented. In one case, interaction is considered to be dependent of the node degree, while in the other one, random on-site energies are considered.Comment: 7pages, 7 figure

    Exact Ground States of Large Two-Dimensional Planar Ising Spin Glasses

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    Studying spin-glass physics through analyzing their ground-state properties has a long history. Although there exist polynomial-time algorithms for the two-dimensional planar case, where the problem of finding ground states is transformed to a minimum-weight perfect matching problem, the reachable system sizes have been limited both by the needed CPU time and by memory requirements. In this work, we present an algorithm for the calculation of exact ground states for two-dimensional Ising spin glasses with free boundary conditions in at least one direction. The algorithmic foundations of the method date back to the work of Kasteleyn from the 1960s for computing the complete partition function of the Ising model. Using Kasteleyn cities, we calculate exact ground states for huge two-dimensional planar Ising spin-glass lattices (up to 3000x3000 spins) within reasonable time. According to our knowledge, these are the largest sizes currently available. Kasteleyn cities were recently also used by Thomas and Middleton in the context of extended ground states on the torus. Moreover, they show that the method can also be used for computing ground states of planar graphs. Furthermore, we point out that the correctness of heuristically computed ground states can easily be verified. Finally, we evaluate the solution quality of heuristic variants of the Bieche et al. approach.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; shortened introduction, extended results; to appear in Physical Review E 7

    Traffic by multiple species of molecular motors

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    We study the traffic of two types of molecular motors using the two-species symmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) with periodic boundary conditions and with attachment and detachment of particles. We determine characteristic properties such as motor densities and currents by simulations and analytical calculations. For motors with different unbinding probabilities, mean field theory gives the correct bound density and total current of the motors, as shown by numerical simulations. For motors differing in their stepping probabilities, the particle-hole symmetry of the current-density relationship is broken and mean field theory fails drastically. The total motor current exhibits exponential finite-size scaling, which we use to extrapolate the total current to the thermodynamic limit. Finally, we also study the motion of a single motor in the background of many non-moving motors.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, late

    Spectral partitions on infinite graphs

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    Statistical models on infinite graphs may exhibit inhomogeneous thermodynamic behaviour at macroscopic scales. This phenomenon is of geometrical origin and may be properly described in terms of spectral partitions into subgraphs with well defined spectral dimensions and spectral weights. These subgraphs are shown to be thermodynamically homogeneous and effectively decoupled.Comment: 8 pages, to appear on Journal of Physics

    Graph-based Features for Automatic Online Abuse Detection

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    While online communities have become increasingly important over the years, the moderation of user-generated content is still performed mostly manually. Automating this task is an important step in reducing the financial cost associated with moderation, but the majority of automated approaches strictly based on message content are highly vulnerable to intentional obfuscation. In this paper, we discuss methods for extracting conversational networks based on raw multi-participant chat logs, and we study the contribution of graph features to a classification system that aims to determine if a given message is abusive. The conversational graph-based system yields unexpectedly high performance , with results comparable to those previously obtained with a content-based approach